Protect the Environment with CPL Group's Eco-Friendly Solutions for Water Quality and Pollution Control

The modern way of life and infrastructure development can often have a negative impact on the environment. At CPL, we understand the importance of protecting the environment, and that's why we have a range of solutions - to provide eco-friendly solutions for challenging situations.

Our products are specifically designed to protect and improve water quality in New Zealand's water bodies and waterways, benefiting not just marine life, but also the New Zealand population and the planet as a whole.

We're committed to providing environmentally responsible products that are effective and efficient. Our CPL products are rigorously tested to ensure they meet our high standards for quality and performance.

Protect the Environment with Our CPL Environmental Solutions

  • Waste Catcher - Sea Guardian™

    WasteCatcher™ Systems are designed and engineered to be easily fitted to any sized stormwater outfalls and inlets to capture and contain gross pollutants before they are swept out to Sea.

  • Turbidity Barriers & Curtains

    We are an industry-leading manufacturer of high-quality and flexible turbidity barriers that are suitable for a range of situations.

    Our Turbidity Barriers are structurally flexible and impermeable, so can effectively trap sediment and debris in bodies of water.

  • Oil Spill Containment

    Highly effective temporary floating barriers that you can use to contain oil spills.

    The design includes foam or air flotation devices at the top and weights at the bottom. These are both sealed along the full length of the boom with tension.

  • Culvert Flume

    To prevent erosion close to the outlet of a culvert, simply attach your Culvert Flume to the pipe.

    You can then control the direction of water as it exits the flume, directing it wherever you want it to go.

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